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Taking Stock and Mapping Your Archival Legacy

From the Career Documentation for the Visual Artist: A Legacy Planning Workbook & Resource Guide published by the Joan Mitchell Foundation

By Steven G Fullwood

For the past several years, I have had the pleasure of consulting with the Joan Mitchell Foundation to provide their artists with advice about preserving their archival collections.

The Foundation recently published the Career Documentation for the Visual Artist: A Legacy Planning Workbook & Resource Guide. Developed in collaboration with artists, arts professionals, and legal and financial experts over the course of two years, the workbook provides a breadth of information and perspectives about legacy planning for artists, along with practical tools that support engagement with this long-term, and sometimes challenging, process. The new guide is part of the Foundation’s ongoing Creating a Living Legacy (CALL) initiative, which for 15 years has supported artists in their efforts to catalogue, manage, and preserve their life’s work.

I contributed a chapter to the workbook, Taking Stock and Mapping Your Archival Legacy, where I outline key steps to mapping your space/s and organizing your physical and digital documentation, offering practical tips on how to integrate your organizational routines into lasting studio management systems that prepare you to fully engage with future opportunities.



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